Dyslexia Handbook 2018. The dyslexia handbook 2018 update t exas e ducation a gency a ustin t exas. As of july 20 2018 house bill 4369 now signed into law as public act 100 0617 requires that isbe develop review every four years to update and maintain a handbook that is made available on its internet website to provide guidelines educational strategies and a description of resources and services for pupils parents guardians and teachers on the subject of dyslexia.
Final informational booklet on rbd. Procedures concerning dyslexia and related disorders is the primary source of dyslexia school law in texas and contains guidelines for dyslexia and related disorders including screening evaluation identification and instruction. Provide appropriate classroom interventions or refer to a student assistance team a student demonstrating characteristics of dyslexia and who is having difficulty learning to read write.
The state board of education sboe on november 16 2018 gave final approval to updates to the dyslexia handbook 2018 update.
Final informational booklet on rbd. Screen all first graders for dyslexia. It details each part of the reading by design daily lesson cycle which align with this criteria. Provide appropriate classroom interventions or refer to a student assistance team a student demonstrating characteristics of dyslexia and who is having difficulty learning to read write.